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Elder Scrolls Oblivion Factions

  1. Elder Scrolls Online Guide Pdf
  2. Elder Scrolls Iv Oblivion Factions

The Elder Scrolls is a series of action role-playing open world epic fantasy video games primarily developed by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks.The series is known for its elaborate and richly detailed open worlds and its focus on free-form gameplay. Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim all won Game of the Year awards from multiple outlets.

At 1/2/09 01:33 PM, EmpireFlames wrote:where is the thieves guild on oblivion?Two ways1) Get sent to prison for theft, a dunmer woman will approach you and hand you a note, follow the instructions.2) Once you know of the grey fox, raise a beggers disposistion of you to about 70, then say you want to work with him. The begger will then tell you where to.The thieves dont have a guild hall, so if you were expecting a huge underground base of operations then your going to be disappointed I know i was:(.

At 1/10/09 05:46 PM, SonicSheep wrote: At 1/10/09 01:13 PM, Obvious-M wrote:I also heard that you can just read a poster of the Gray Fox and you'll be approached.Reading a poster of the grey fox will allow to bring up the topic with people, but that alone won't get you contacted. Im not quite 'new' to Oblivion considering I bought it when it first came out. Then Sold it. Then bought it again. BUT the following is my character.Name- Ja'EnthalaRace- DunmerClass- Stealthblade (Custom)Dark Brotherhood- ListenerTheives Guild- Grey FoxFighters Guild- MasterMages Guild- Arch-MageArena- Grand ChampionOrder of the Virtuous BloodOrder of the DragonThe Blades- Knight BrotherLevel- 24I am also about to make a new character.

The class unknown to me as of now but yeah. I'd like to join =D.

At 3/16/09 11:10 PM, Rocker23220 wrote:In regards to the Knights of the White Stallion, and the Blades, are there ways to increase your 'rank' or is it just that one???FYI: I finished beating the game today. Nice ending, now I'm just waiting for that damn armor.Good job on beating the game. Also, you can't advance in the ranks of those factions. Although, there are a few mods on the PC that allow several new quests, and usefulness of both factions. And regarding the ending of the game, I saw that once on my old computer.When I had to replace it for a new one, I found out this computer I'm using has trouble processing.bik movie files. So I skipped the movies at the beginning, though the ending was processed for shit.

The screen was LITERALLY split into several blocks. And some of those blocks went along with the movies, some of the blocks were just pictures that would change every 5 seconds. Yeah horrible video. There's audio problems too, Martin Septim acted as if he was illiterate. Stuttering and mispronouncing each word that he was supposed to say.

It took around 6 seconds for him just to say a full word. The video was horrible on my computer. At 3/17/09 08:36 AM, sammontague wrote:oblivion rules.just got morrowind its pretty good as well.Oblivion does rule. I'm going to get Morrowind too!

Elder Scrolls Online Guide Pdf

I use the PC, and Oblivion uses godlike graphics. Though, I'm not really into graphics, I'm more into really high FPS. And with Morrowind's low minimum system requirements, I know I will get that high FPS I want. Also, morrowind has a few features such as levitation, taunting people so they try to kill you, etc.

Damn, this club has seen some better activity days. At 3/6/09 12:17 AM, Rocker23220 wrote:Alright, guys, I have a question. I was doing the Fighter's Guild Quest, where you have to go into a cave and kill all the trolls. I killed them all, (and trust me, I made sure, I went through that cave twice with Life Detection equipment on) but my quest log never updated.Any of you face this, or know of a way out of it???I assume you've already got past this part, but here's some help anyway just in case.Yeah, I had some trouble with that part too, and I had really good Life Detection gear. Just search through every inch of the cave, even the tiny rooms. You'll be surprised where trolls hang out deep in the caverns.

Once you're sure you've gotten them all, check and recheck the cave over to make sure you haven't missed any over. I just find it annoying that it didn't keep track of how many you've killed and how many you have to go.So, what all would you like to see in the upcoming Elder Scrolls V?

There is some speculation that it might be set in Skyrim, but that's just a rumor. Black Marsh, Summerset Isle, or Elsweyr seem like good candidates for a good location, too.And if they make Achievements/Trophies for the game, having them unlock when you reach a new rank or major plot in the game is okay, but I want Bethesda to make it creative and fun, like the ones from Grand Theft Auto IV, for example.Lastly, there's the MMO possibility. Good idea or not? At 3/23/09 07:30 PM, TwilightFox wrote:Lastly, there's the MMO possibility. Good idea or not?I hope not.I find online gaming incredibly tedious due to all the morons that use it.And then theres the people with the mega-high levels that just make you feel incredibly inferior.I'm not a fan at all.Besides that I don't really care what they do, they seem to do what they do well at Bethesda:).Except for the menu screens in Oblivion are awful compared to Morrowind. And the lack of ability to cycle through your weapons/magic. Okay, so update:Yeah, I've been through that dang troll cave so many times, I could run through it blindfolded.

And I did it with a 120 ft. Life Detection helmet. There's nothing in there. Haha.And my character also glitched on the Thieves' Guild.

I'm at the part where I've completed the quests, and I'm supposed to wait in the Imperial City, until I get a letter about the Gray Fox himself contacting me. All the guides say I need to have fenced over 600 gold. Well, I've fenced over 1000, waited about a week in the Imperial City, and still nothing.So I've started making a pure Redguard warrior in order to make up the Achievement points for the first glitch. Maybe if I get done with that, I can try to use him for Thieves Guild, but a warrior with no magic probably won't do so good. Thieving with my mage is too easy since I just use a combination of clothes, and spells, in order to reach 100% chameleon. So this game is starting to annoy me.As for Elder Scrolls V, it would be awesome to have MMO, or some kind of co-op or something. The NPC's mentioned Somerset Isle a lot, so maybe.Another new topic: What are some random moments you've had in Oblivion?

(the game, not necessarily the plane)1.) I was doing a Dark Brotherhood quest, and I wasn't secretive enough, so the guards came after me. I just decided to go to jail, and wait out my sentence.

Literally, the second I get out, I see 6 or 7 guards all just ganging up on something in the corner. It was the middle of the day, in.umm.Anvil, I think. Confused as to what was going on, I looked in the corner and found a random assed Lich getting his ass kicked by a bunch of guards.

I have no idea what was going on. Then I saw the Count just walking out on the street, all by himself.2.) I was exploring random countrysides, early on in the game, and at one particular cave I saw one of the pedestals that you find zombie corpses on. But.there were two zombies.in an awkwardly sexual pose.3.) Haha, this one was concerning the little Arena stalker after you become grand champion. He was following me, and I was going to the cave for the Mages Guild where you go to make your Mage's Staff. I told him to stay outside, for fear of keeping him out of danger.and I kinda forgot about him.

Elder Scrolls Iv Oblivion Factions

The other day I was thinking 'what happened to that little kid???' I looked up in my quest journal, and thought we found the cave where I might have left him. I travel there, and sure enough, there he is just chilling there, in the same exact spot, staring towards the cave. And today, when I walked up to him, I heard him repeat 'By Azura, by Azura, by Azura'.I'm wondering why he's praising a daedric goddess to see me??? At 3/26/09 03:49 PM, Rocker23220 wrote: At 3/26/09 03:05 PM, TwilightFox wrote:And I've already beaten the main quest, just so you know, and I was around Level 5 or so when I completed it. I've been finding Orcish and Elven armors lately, but so far nothing Daedric or Glass.The better armors tend to show up, the more powerful you are. I would just find them in caves, or on random bandits.

So I would have to say that you need to level up more before you should start finding them.I'm pretty sure it's around level 25 where enemies start to carry them. Also, Daedric and Glass armors are never sold normally.I might be making another Oblivion house.

I found out the extremely obvious secret that I somehow managed to skip, snapping to grid. Ignoring snap caused me to make this extremely bad castle that has many overlapping parts when I used the castle kit. At 3/24/06 12:30 AM, Canas wrote: If his Sneak level is much higher than yours, say, past Journeyman or so, he should get a better multiplyer. I also assume that bow class weapons don't do the same sort of damage that a sword does. But if your friend uses a bow too, I may not be able to explain it other than saying that Dark Elves are naturally better assassins.Actually, and i know this was from a long time ago, but i have the guide, and wood elves have a much better marksman bonus then dark elves do (and sneak). If they were the same level- it doesn't matter, your level is more of a status symbol then a help because your attributs and sills determine how powerful you are- not your level.

Your level in this game is really more of a burden than a plus because the enemies (most) level with you and the stronger you are- the much stronger they are.This was probably already answered, but i just wanted to clear that up. I love Oblivion but I miss Morriwind a little.

There were more guilds, and thus, more quests. In Morrowind, off the top of my head you could join the Fighters guild, Mages guild, thieves guild, morong tong, one of the Great Houses, Hlaalu, Redoran, or Telvanni, Imperial Legion, Imperial Cult, and Tribunal Temple.In Oblivion there are 5 main factions, (ones that you can level up in and do quests for) Fighters Guild, Mages Guild, Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, and The Arena technically. The rest are a bunch of minor factions (order of the virtuous blood, etc.)Aside from the lack of factions though, I love Oblivion.My most recent character (after I once again got into the game.) is an Imperial at level 20.

He's an expert in blade and hand-to-hand, and even though I am the leader of the Mages Guild, the only magic I really use and level up in is Destruction and Restoration. I have a glass curiass and glass greaves, but the rest of my armor is a different kind. I have useful enchanted mithril gauntlets and leather boots, (both of which are broken but since the enchantmants still work even then, I'm too lazy to have them fixed.)I'm better at light armor than I am with heavy armor but i'm still looking for daedric armor and weapons (since i'm level 20 it should start appearing more frequently)The funniest thing is that I hardly use armor or weapons really unless I'm facing the toughest opponents ever. And I haven't once changed the difficulty (the bar is at the default level.) I think it all started when I was strong enough to take rats out with one simple punch (not that hard.) I think I got such a kick out of it that I started to never use any equipment.I am also a vampire with the cure, but I haven't drank it yet. I figure i'll save it for a rainy day (or a sunny day where I am seconds from death.)I also hate that I am always close to being encumbered but I can never decide what to get rid of.

Elder Scrolls Oblivion FactionsElder scrolls online guide pdf

And since I am maxed out in the strength category, I need to either get rid of some more things, or get some strength enchantments.Like I said, more factions would make this already great game even better. Maybe another Imperial Legion faction that you can join. (I heard of a mod for one though.)I do like that once you're the leader of a faction though, you get a little bonus. (Fighter's guild, once a month focus on either recruitment, contracts, or both and get reward equipment and/or gold.

Mages guild, your own personal enchanting and spellmaking alters, enchanted alchemy chest, etc.).